Monday 30 April 2012

The Shocker

When was the first time you saw "the shocker"? For me, I think it was about 6, maybe 7 years ago. Then, it sort of died down and disappeared (or so I thought).
I was driving up Hwy 400 a couple weeks ago and "the shocker" (in a very bright, lime green colour) caught my eye. I was driving by myself but I was still compelled to say aloud "who advertises this on their car"?
No judgement. I love that we have our freedoms to do this sort of thing. I ask this, not with negativity. Rather with curiosity and wonder. I also pondered "does this guy have anal eroticism fantasies or does he just think the symbol looks really bad ass?? My real hunch is the latter. So I started asking around.
One very nice young lady (Cute as a button, slightly wild, 20 yr old, college student/cutie pie, in a committed relationship) thinks the hand gesture is pretty funny and told me how her boyfriend has the shocker on his vehicle. So, I had to ask! Is this something he likes doing? I secretly was hoping she was going to say yes because (let me tell you) I was dying to ask if he also does it exactly like the hand gesture and if so, does he get a hand cramp! Her answer was very interesting! "No" she said. "He doesn't really like that sort of thing".
Fascinating! Don't you think?
That said, "the shocker" (impractical in form) does convey some truth. It's just more practical to use a cock in the va jay jay and a finger in the ass (or sex toy). *With permission and blessings by the receiver, of course!
If you are reading this post and finding it a bit of a strange topic, you are not alone. I wasn't sure if it was blog worthy. Then I found out there's a whole BOOK dedicated to the urban legend! In the 2011 book "The Shocker Two in the pink, one in the stink" by a Mr. Chad Brody, many different rhymes for the hand gesture are suggested. Here are some of my favourites:

Two in the Humper, One in the Dumper
Two in the Classy, One in the Gassy

Two in the Dame, One in the Shame
Two in the Blood, One in the Mud

Two in the Party, One in the Farty

So I say, what the hell! Wear your Shocker T-shirts with pride and drive that hand gesture around on your car or truck. If you like it and it makes you happy, chances are you're probably putting a smile on someone elses face each time you're out and about!

"The Shocker" by the rocker novelty band called "Steel Panther".

Wednesday 18 April 2012

Happy HUMP Day!

Jacking off,  jerkin' the gherkin, wanking, choking the chicken, shaking hands with John Thomas.... So many names for male masturbation. You'd almost think that women don't masturbate?
Oh yes, we certainly do! In some cases - that's the only time women get some real satisfaction.

Before I go any further, I'd like to say that I am an entertainer. I am not a doctor. I occasionally pretend to be a nurse... You get the point.

It has come to my attention that there is a lot of information out there on the web in regards to masturbation but not nearly as much in regards to women and some of the stuff regarding women is not even correct.
Being in porn, I tend to receive a lot of questions regarding sex. I'm extremely flattered that people would think that much of me to ask! For two reasons a) That I may actually know the answers to their questions and b) That they would feel that comfortable to ask me.
I guess I take for granted that I had the good fortune of listening to such amazing people like Dr. Ruth and Dr. Sue on the radio while I was growing up. 
So here it goes

Female Masturbation

Google this and you'll find a lot of porn! ;D
However, porn doesn't equal the whole truth or complete reality. Porn is an adult entertainment that usually shows the most erotic (for the viewer) method for "getting off". That is typically playing with the clitoris or vaginally stimulating ones gspot with a vibrator. Don't get me wrong, that can totally do the trick ;)
I guess the truth is, you can "see" more this way and therefore it is more satisfying to watch.
I'd like to shine the light on "Humping" today!
Most woman get a lot of stimulation without even removing their clothes. There is a perfectly effective method of "dry humping". I love how this is joked about in movies and tv shows lately!
It seems this is some sort of dirty little secret. Women tend to feel dirty, perverted and undignified in regards to this because no one seems to tell them it's okay. Take a look at this link:
These are random women explaining their own experience(s).

So, depending on who you are, reading this you may want to make your wife, girlfriend, fiance or "special friend" feel more comfortable about this.
One thing you could try is duplicating this action. While getting into some serious kissing\make out session, offer a leg. (I know it sounds funny). Preferably with clothes on. Maybe even GENTLY encourage her to grind by holding her ass (if she's on top) and pulling her close.  She may not be into it or she might just LOVE it.  You'll never know for sure unless you're open to it.
*Warning! This is a sensitive subject.  It's extremely personal and private for most women. I'd suggest not accusing her of being a "humper". Common sense, people!! ;D

Now, if you're a woman reading this and you do enjoy it, hump without fear, worry, anxiety because there is nothing wrong with it and it feels fucking good!

Tuesday 17 April 2012

Hello Ladies and Gentlemen!

I'm excited to come back to blogging. It's been a while (I know, I know).  I am excited to share my thoughts, tips, tricks, secrets to anyone who feels like reading them ;)
I am just getting this blog up and running at the moment. I will be posting regularly as soon as I get this profile all smoothed out :D

See you soon!
-Jennifer xxoo